Friday, July 22, 2011

Sign of the End Times

I was reading today that President Obama is pushing for the United Nations to approve a resolution by the Palestinian Authority to recognize their right to independence to pre-1967 borders.  This basically "kicks" Israel out of their country and with no ability to protect themselves.

Here is the link: 

Middle East Quartet meeting 'excellent', says U.S. official
Representatives of the U.S., Russia, the EU and the UN dined in Washington and discussed renewing direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, but made no public statement.

The United States has ALWAYS backed Israel, until now.  Obama has been negotiating with Russia and the EU to get this resolution passed by September.

Folks, this is a sign of the End Times!  The Bible clearly states that in the last days, the "whole world" will come against Israel.  You can see the final battle plans taking shape right now, if this goes through.

Israel WILL NOT bow to the UN resolution and will fight for its survival. The entire world always believed the US would back Israel.  Until now.

Obama has even said he would support the Palestinians in a "resistance" movement if this resolution is approved (i.e. fight AGAINST Israel).

If you do not know Jesus as your Savior, your time is running out.

If you do not know Jesus as your Savior, you will be left behind when the  Believers are removed prior to the "battle" taking place and all of the turmoil that will go with it.

Look at the economy of the "world" right now.  It is in shambles.  Just like the Bible predicted it would be.  Look at the immorality running rampant in the "world" today...just like the Bible said it would be.

Look at the "promotion" of homosexuality in the "world" today...just like the Bible said it would be.

What makes you think the Bible would be "wrong" in this area?  It's not wrong... It is right on target.

If you do not know Jesus as your Savior, all you have to do is get your Bible and read Romans 10:9-10 "If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in  your heart that God raised him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED.  For with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation."

If you prayed that prayer, email at and I will send you some information absolutely free of charge.  I will even pay the postage on it.  If you need more information, go to our website at and browse around.

Time is running out..."Get Right, or get Left."

Bro. Bob

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