Saturday, October 23, 2010

Freedom Through Faith Ministries goes World Wide!!!


I  have been working deligently to get the new and improved Freedom Through Faith Ministries website prepared for world wide ministry!  Within about two weeks or so, we hope to have the site updated and ready for LIVE AUDIO BROADCASTS!  Not only will we be able to broadcast our ministry teachings LIVE around the world, but our website will be translated into 15 different languages!!!

That's right....

This BLOG will be inserted onto each page, translated into a local dialect and available for people world wide to read - and comment back!!!

Only through the Grace of God and the Wisdom He has provided in the development of the Internet and computer capabilities is this possible.

I will keep  you posted on our progress...

Until Next Time....

This is the victory that overcomes the world - Your Faith and My Faith Working Together!!!

Bro. Bob Thibodeau