Friday, August 9, 2013

Is Civil War Coming to America?

This reminds me of the pre-Revolutionary war stories of how our "representatives" would go to the "king" and try to get him to allow more autonomy (i.e. less government running our affairs).  When we (the colonists) finally had enough...WAR was initiated and we kicked the bums out of our country!

We need to prepare for another civil war in this nation.  One which will reinstitute the Constitution as the basis of law in this land.  The Constitution and the Bill of Rights was not designed to tell the people and the states what they can and could not was made the "law of the land" for the purpose of telling the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT what ITS LIMITS ARE!

It will take an "act of war" (with all of the atrocities that brings with it) up to and including, if necessary, the execution of government officials who are bound and determined to "hold onto power by any means necessary."  We should see them receive the same punishment Saddaam Hussein received if they defy the Law of the Land - which IS the Constitution.

Don't come back at me and say, "Well, the Constitution says we should do so by elections."  YES - that is the "way it SHOULD BE."  However, when one side plays by the rules...and the other side manipulates the votes, cheats and breaks every law imaginable...the election system will not work.

Now, in charge of this nation, is a group of people who trample on the Constitution, breaking the law each and every day, and when it is exposed, cover up every attempt at an investigation.  All in the name of protecting "the King."

I read just yesterday, where Colin Powell and Jimmy Carter are secretly trying to lay the foundation of a military style coup.  Whether or not it is true does not matter.  The fact that it is EVEN BEING DISCUSSED tells you what low state this nation is really in.

The current REPUBLICANS in Congress are no better than the Democrats.  They are trying to "win by appeasement."  Obviously, that tactic does not work.

Here is an example:  Immigration reform.  The democrats, so hell bent on retaining power, have sworn to so devastate the Republican party to the point they will NEVER be able to mount any credible threat to gain the White House, ever again.  This party is the one who offered advise to the Republicans after the last election..."you need to help with immigration reform so the Hispanics do not see you as a threat."

Now, why would a party sworn to destroy the Republicans chances of ever winning another major election, try to "help the Republicans out?"  But, instead of seeing this "offer" for what it was, a way to increase voter registration for the Democrats by almost 1/3 and mathematically eliminate the Republicans from winning forever....the Republican party swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker!

We do not need this type of "Leadership" in Washington anymore.  The long time "Republican Leaders" resemble their Democrat counterparts so much so, you cannot tell the difference between them. The Republican leadership in Congress are nothing but a bunch of spineless ninnies who bow in the presence of the King.

With all of these scandals going on, has the Republican Leadership called for a "Special Prosecutor" or any other type of non-partial investigation?  NO.  Why?  Because they want to "get along" with the enemy. They do not want to be made out as the "bad guys."

It is time for the Republicans to get back to their roots.  To get back to the foundations of Conservatism.  To get back to their base.

If they fail to do so...they are inviting the PEOPLE to conduct the Second Revolutionary War.  And they will find themselves swinging in the wind with the so called "leaders" who are actually the Enemy of the State.

I know this has not been my usual type of message about the Bible.  But, let make this clear distinction.  Jesus told his disciples to sell what they have an buy a sword for defense.  In today's parlance, that could be interpreted as a gun for self defense.  What is it this President and his flunkies are trying to do?  Gun Control.  Since that is not working the way King Obama wanted...they are doing a "back door" type of gun all the bullets and put limits on the manufacturing of guns.  Hence, no bullets, no guns - all without gun control

This nation was founded upon the BIBLE.  As we approach the End of the Age, the United States is not even mentioned as a world player in the Bible.  I believe it is because our elected leaders have destroyed this nation.  We are there - NOW.

So, tell me your thoughts on this subject.  Are YOU willing to "led to the slaughter" or would you be willing to stand up for your rights?