Saturday, June 4, 2011

Urgent Prayer for Pakistan

It has been brought to my attention of a very serious situation concerning our brother and sister Christians in Pakistan. Leading Islamic Clerics have petitioned the highest court in Pakistan to issue an edict under the "Blasphemy Law" which will "outlaw" the possession of the Christian Bible. Approval of this edict under this provision of law would "allow" the immediate lynching and execution of anyone caught possessing a Christian Bible - regardless if it was for personal use or not.

This is in response to the Florida Pastor who burned the Koran and the recent American raid in killing Bin Laden on Pakistani soil has given fuel to this fire. The Pakistani government is under immense pressure to approve this edict. 

I ask for Christians everywhere who reads this Blog to PLEASE, PLEASE - PRAY for our Brother and Sister Christians in Pakistan. God is Faithful and will answer the Prayers of the Righteous when asked in Faith.  So please pray for this - and pass it along to others as well.