Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rev. 18 and the Downfall of the World Economic System

The current events all over the news lately has already been foretold - in the Bible!  Let me start by saying I DO NOT believe Rev. 18 is taking place right now...but, we are seeing the "shadow" of what is about to take place.  This is just the "prelude" to the REAL THING!

It is God's last warning to His People to get right with how we are handling our money...STOP relying on the Government and turn back to relying on God!

This system of government and this economic system was founded by MAN trying to do things his way and not God's Way.  The tower of Babel was man's attempt to reach Heaven without God!  That is why God spoke one Word - BABEL!   And total confusion was given to man's language.  But now, man is trying to come together again, despite language differences - not to honor God, but to PROVE man does not need God!  The news is full of talk about the "One World Order...the World's Economy, etc."

The sins of Babylon are AGAIN, come up to remembrance before God's Throne.  Up to now, God has extended His Grace...but no more!  You can see God beginning to destroy the works of man's hands!  The leaders and rulers of this One World Order are at a complete loss of ideas on what to do!  What is the "best thing" they have come up with?  "SPEND MORE MONEY, INCREASE THE NATIONAL DEBT - IN ORDER TO GET THE ECONOMY MOVING AGAIN!"  

How do you "go deeper into debt" in order to "get out of debt?"  That does not make any sense at all!  But that is what our "leaders" have come up with!  IDIOTS!  Everyone one of them!  They may "say" they are believers...but yet the DO the exact things God says NOT TO DO!

My warning to all - is get your house in order!  Jesus is coming soon!  Rev. 18 talks in extreme detail EVERYTHING YOU HAVE SEEN IN THE NEWS LATELY!  Governments all over this world - including the United States - are going bankrupt!  The entire talk is "how to save these governments!"  How to save these "companies that are too big to fail!"   That is the purpose and underlying theme of true capitalism!  If a company gets too greedy and makes mistakes - they pay the price - even to the point of going out of business!  And other, more stable, companies will buy them up at discount prices and turn them into profitable companies!  This INCREASES the revenue to the government thru taxes!  But what does our government do?  They use precious tax money to prop up these companies!  And then the leaders of the companies GIVE to the politicians and TO THEMSELVES!

The latest big Stimulus Package is mostly sitting in the banks!  The banks have used this money to secure their bottom line instead of "giving loans" as the money was supposed to be used for!  But, the government did not force them to live up to the intent of the distribution.  Why?  Political friends!

This nation - the United States of America - is on the decline!  I hate to say it!  I love my country...but what I see makes me sick!  The protests we have witnessed in other nations WILL come here!  Just give it time!  In my opinion - all of our national leaders need to Repent!  They have squandered what God has given this nation and made us dependent on foreign countries to "loan us money."  This nation is supposed to be the "RICHEST" nation on earth!  Now, we are the one who owes EVERYBODY!

God is going to include this nation under His Divine Judgement - as outlined in Rev 18!  The "shadow" of this judgement is beginning to show itself!

Get Ready!

Pastor Bob

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