Monday, October 7, 2013

GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL...even when I am not

Sometimes I get so discouraged by everything I see on the news and read on the Internet.  Sometimes I wonder if anything I ever do is worth the effort.  Sometimes I just sit and look at the computer and wonder if I should even "try" to make a difference.  Sometimes...I just "don't care."

Then - somewhere - deep down inside...I "hear" a still small voice.  His voice tells me "I care."  He gives me His Peace when everything around me seems to be in chaos.  He gives me Hope, when everything around me seems to be hopeless.  He gives me His Strength to carry on when I just don't feel like I can go one more step or one more day.

Then, when I least expect it...I receive an email from someone who this ministry has has made a difference.  Then, I pick up and "go another day."  I know that, for at least that one person somewhere in the world...what I do has made a difference.  They found Hope when there was no hope...they found Peace when there was no peace...they found Strength when they were out of strength...

Then, that still small voice - deep down inside...says "I told you so."

That is probably THE MAJOR PROBLEM in this type of ministry (Internet Radio)... sometimes I can feel so "disconnected" from anyone...not knowing if anything I do matters in the "great scheme of things."

I honestly say I put in "A LOT" of work into what our ministry is doing.  More so than most other "on the ground ministries" as far as hours go.  Virtually disabled by chronic back, hip, leg, knee and feet pain (basically, from the waist down!), I can only sit a little while before I have to get up and move around...problem with that...after just a few minutes of being on my feet...I have to either sit or lay down for a few minutes....and if I am at the point where I have to take pain will knock me completely off my feet for at least an hour or so...then, it is back to the computer again...and the process starts all over.

But, then I look at our "stats" on how many people have listened to our radio stations during the last 24 hours...or the last week...and I see we ARE making an impact.  People ARE listening.  THE WORD of the GOSPEL IS GETTING OUT! - OUT INTO ALL THE WORLD!

We have listeners in 92 different countries on one station and over 110 different countries on another...We have listeners in ALL 50 states here in the USA.  We are making major efforts to bring a THIRD radio station online January 1st...a station that will provide a service that, as far as our research has taken us...NOBODY else is providing.  This goes with what the Lord told me almost four months ago when He put it on my heart..."this is a station that will do what nobody else has done in the Christian Internet world.  Therefore, there will difficulties as you work through all of the obstacles...but you WILL succeed... because I am with you and guiding you."

It is true...we have experienced obstacles that I could not have even dreamed about...but, when I refer back to my original notes which I wrote down as the Lord was telling me how to set the station up and how it was to operate and what type of services it was to provide...I see every piece falling into place.  It truly is amazing to watch God work!  Amen!

"Evangelism Radio" will be a unique online radio station...offering 24/7 LIVE capabilities for those Christian broadcasters interested in doing LIVE INTERNET RADIO programming.  We are setting up call in capabilities for listeners to call in directly to the DJ Broadcaster and take questions, comments, etc.  Those are just TWO of the services... Glory to God!  It truly is a work of God, Amen!

But, sometimes I still get "down" over the question of "am I making a difference?"  It is in times like this that the Lord will move me to do write this blog.  I find myself realizing that I DO make a long as I continue to do what HE tells me to do and to say what HE tells me to say.  But, then again, what else matters?

For more information on "Evangelism Radio" and how you can become part of it, email me directly at brother  I will provide you with the information as we have it right now.

Please check out our other two, highly successful, Internet radio stations..."Freedom Through Faith Christian Radio"and "Praise and Worship Radio" by visiting our website at

Until next time..."Be Blessed in ALL You Do!"

Robert Thibodeau
Freedom Through Faith Ministries

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