Monday, August 26, 2013

Message to America About the Political State of the Union

This is so true.  The DO NOTHING REPUBLICANS are as much to blame for the dismal state of this nation as the idiot Democrats are.  What is so amazing to me is the fact that, even in the extremely liberal state of Maryland - the common people who have any sense are calling out the RINO's that are in office.  I voted for Andy Harris in the last election...not so sure I will this time.  I have seen NOTHING from him other than a few press interviews (mostly on right leaning stations) where he "talks the talk" but FAILS to "walk the walk."   The current REPUBLICANS in the Congress are living up to their name of RINO's - especially with the Speaker of the House.  If Boehner would begin to "follow the law" and hold Obama accountable for all of his illegal activity...if he would "threaten" the President with Impeachment proceedings if Obama does not STOP his trampling of the Constitution...if the Speaker would BE A SPEAKER of the people...MAYBE something could be done to STOP the Liberal Agenda from moving forward unabated in this country.  So far - after 5 and going on 6 years - we see NOTHING.

So, my fellow slaves in America...why should we continue to VOTE for Republican's?  The Republican Party of today would be a far left leaning Democrat party from 25-30 years ago.  Ronald Reagan (whose "name" they ALL invoke) would be EMBARRASSED by being associated with the idiots we have running the Republican Party today.

I believe I will be voting LIBERTARIAN in the next election...unless somebody can change my mind between now and election time.  It is time for those who "want change in America" to stand up and say "YES WE CAN."  If enough voters who are sick of the increase in taxes; tramping of the Constitution; unchecked Government waste; corruption in Government (from the President on down and into (and including the States and the Governor's and local elected leaders)...IF enough sheeple get fed up with the "same ol' same ol') status quo - and begin to vote for 3rd party candidates in all levels of Government - MAYBE, just maybe, "Change" can come.

If not - the handwriting is already on the wall.  It is not a pleasant message.  We WILL BECOME just like the socialist European Union.  That, after all, has been the plan all along - by both political parties - to slowly eliminate the Middle Class in America so all you have are the "ruling elites" commanding the slaves who do the work.  It began with Woodrow Wilson's administration and has continued to Obama's (including the "beloved" Ronald Reagan who was responsible for increasing the National Debt tremendously under his administration...and follow on presidents have just continued the debt astronomically since then....this is NOT all Obama's fault).

The time has come for America to realize that the Bill of Rights has been torn to shreds.  It is just a "wishful thinking document" that means nothing to either party anymore.  If either party can subvert it to gain power - they will.  BOTH political parties should be ashamed of themselves.  I am ashamed of them. I am ashamed to call myself an American.

Change WILL come...but not by ANY of the office holders we currently have in place.

Change WILL come...but only if enough TRUE AMERICAN's have the intestinal fortitude to buck tradition and begin to vote for Candidates who will abide by the Constitution.

Which we have NONE in office right now.

I'm Robert Thibodeau and I APPROVED THIS MESSAGE!!!

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