Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The End of the American Dollar - The End of America - The Preparations for Martial Law Are Now In Place


Hmmm. It seems as if the discussion of the "American Default" is coming to pass. Years of deficit spending, running the "credit card" to the max, is about to result in the "American Bankruptcy." When that happens...the American Dollar, which is "Backed by the Full Faith and Credit of the United States," is worthless. Then, as nations rush to sell off ALL of the American Dollars they have.....the Dollar is devalued to almost ZERO.

This means you will pay a whole weeks wages for a loaf of bread...if you can find it...if you can afford it.
This means there will be IMMEDIATE layoffs and companies large and small will close their doors...."Too Big to Fail" will mean NOTHING.
This means the unemployment rate will rise - IMMEDIATELY - to around 90%. Who are the "lucky" ones that still have jobs? The six million that are currently in the US Armed Forces. They have NO CHOICE but to show up for work.

Grocery stores run out of food within HOURS, not days. There is NO RESUPPLY coming...who will bring the food? No truckers can afford the fuel to driver their rigs to bring the food. No grocery store can afford to resupply their store anyway. No farmer is going to sell off their ONLY resource...despite the fact the Dollar is virtually worth nothing (what would the grocery stores, etc. use to BUY food from the farmers?).

Riots break out in every major metropolitan city from coast to coast as millions of inner city people are trying to survive - based upon decades of promises and handouts they have believed and received from their politicians.

Local police forces are overwhelmed. Some cops summarily QUIT their jobs and refuse to work (for nothing - because they cannot be paid anyway). The military DOES NOT HAVE THAT OPTION...they MUST work - even for free. They have sworn their allegiance to do so...their salary is a "benefit" not a requirement. They are only promised a "cot and two hots" referencing a place to sleep and two meals a day."

Many in the military will go AWOL... either to take care of their families or because they refuse to "fire upon Americans." But many will stay. Many will obey....they have no where else to go....they are steadfast to the end in their belief that their leaders are, in fact, going to "fix" things....

OR- they will organize and REVOLT. Which, in effect, means they are going to FIGHT EACH OTHER in a military coup attempt.

No matter the outcome - America, as we know it (knew it, or believed in it) IS OVER.

This effectively eliminates the United States as a world player on the world scene...hence, no mention of us during the times of Tribulation in the Bible.

Isn't it AMAZING the accuracy of the Bible!

Come quickly, LORD JESUS!


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