Thursday, September 5, 2013

Make No Mistake About It - America WILL LOSE THIS WAR

Can it be any more clear that Obama is a Muslim loyalist? He has sent a recorded message to the Muslim Brotherhood that he "is on their side and his administration is in partnership" with them! 

WHY? WHY? WHY - doesn't our Congress impeach this guy? WHY - doesn't our military throw him out through a coupe? I and millions more would support it!

He is going to violate Geneva Convention articles and United Nations articles by conducting an attack on a nation that HAS NOT ATTACKED US. We cannot claim "self defense" or that we were "attacked first" (such as 9-11) - we are going across the ocean and attacking a country we have NO qualms with. THEY are in the midst of a civil war (with both sides basically "hating" us) and WE are going to initiate hostilities against them...for NO REASON.

And don't come back with "they used gas and killed children" (the argument that Obama states is the reason). Has Obama "interfered" in ANY MUSLIM country in which the MUSLIMS have been systematically KILLING CHRISTIANS; burning down churches (with women and children inside); or has Obama even came out and stated publicly that he condemns such attacks? NO. 

Has Obama ever made any public statements that condemn the genocide taking place in African nations where Muslims HUNT DOWN and kill Christians? NO.

 Has Obama even responded to the Bengazi attacks Muslims killed 4 Americans, including HIS DIRECT REPRESENTATIVE - the Ambassador? NO.

But yet, despite public opinion to NOT intervene in Syria; despite ALL other nations have publicly stated they will NOT intervene in Syria; despite the Russians releasing a 100 page document that says the Syrian regime did not use the chemical agents - it was the rebels; despite the rebels publicly saying they accidentally discharged them, resulting in the deaths...DESPITE ALL OF THESE THINGS - Obama still wants to attack Syria and depose their leader.

Now, granted, their current leader is "not a nice guy." BUT - neither is Obama! What would we say if they came over here to depose Obama (and with the support of about half our population, I might add). WE WOULD GO TO WAR!

 We would be engaging our "allies" to GO TO WAR WITH US. We would not rest until we "wiped that country out!"
 Well - guess what will happen with the roles reversed? 

THEY WILL FIGHT US...they will bring the war to our shores; to our cities; to our schools; to our churches. They do not have the ability to conduct impressive military campaigns...but they will attack.

They will not rest until the USA is brought down. They will not rest until the USA is incapable of surviving - militarily, economically and - most of all - religiously. They will not rest until America declares itself a MUSLIM NATION and outlaws Christianity.

You may think this is "extreme" and I should not talk like this. I'm giving it to you straight (something Obama and our "representatives" in DC are incapable of doing). WE ARE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THIS "soon to be" CONFLICT.

  We will pay a heavy price in the lives of our military; in our economy and especially in our Freedom (or, what is left of it after Obama's tenure is over).

And finally - I can say wholeheartedly - GOD IS NOT ON OUR SIDE ANYMORE, especially if we conduct an unprovoked attack outside of International Law, whether it is approved by Congress or not.


 God has already withdrawn His "hedge of protection" from around our nation; He has already withdrawn the Blessing from this nation (despite what the "blessing" preachers have to say - God does not bless intentional disobedience...which is what the USA has been doing for the past 40+ years...which is why we are in the financial mess we see today - that is just ONE indicator).

If this nation IS NOT UNDER THE BLESSING - then that means we ARE UNDER THE CURSE. If we are operating under the curse - that means we are "fighting against God." If we are fighting against God - we WILL LOSE.

  Which means, if Obama conducts this attack on Syria and the Muslim nations respond (which they will) - WE WILL LOSE THIS WAR.

It may not be immediate; it may not happen in one or two years...but never doubt - WE WILL LOSE THIS WAR!

1 comment:

  1. When Obama took office in his first term he stated that America is NO LONGER a Christian nation.......Why would he make such a statement? you might ask. Well if the leader is Muslim then he can say that we are no longer a Christian nation because he was elected.

    Do you still think Obummer is a Christian? Oh how foolish of a thought!
